A New York Adventure

A New York Adventure

"It was the best of times....it was the worst of times...."
Charles Dickens

"If we are to better the future we must disturb the present."
Catherine Booth

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I came home Sunday night repacked and was off on Monday to Pendelton for a corps review. It was about a three and a half hour drive. A beautiful drive along the Columbia River and throught the Columbia River Gorge. On the west side of the Dalles it is very green with a lot of pine trees and on the east side it is very dry and reminds me of California landscape.

I took these pictures while driving--not bad! It is an awesome drive. I began my trip home on Tuesday morning listening to Stewart Briscoe preach a message on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts, converts, convinces, corrects, and I can't recall the last three c's. Anyway, it was a good message to begin the day.

Loyalty Day

What a weekend. We came home from furlough and were off again to Newport to take part in the Loyalty Day parade.

**Loyalty Day was originated by the Veterans of Foreign
War (VFW) on the East Coast, with Newport’s Veteran’s starting our local Loyalty
Day celebration in May of 1956. As the celebration continued to spread
throughout the nation, Congress wrote a Joint Resolution and President
Eisenhower signed the Bill into Law designating the First of May as Loyalty Day,
a special day set aside for the recognition of the heritage of American freedom.

It was a great weekend. We 'froze' to death as we rode in the parade but it was great fun. That evening--Saturday--we went to dinner at a place located on the ocean. A breath taking view at sunset. The next morning we attended Bay City corps and Don preached and we installed about five or six individuals into leadership positions. After the Sunday meeting we went to a Girl Scout awards ceremony to watch one of our kids from the corps receive the highest honor a Girl Scout can receive. That evening we had supper with a coupld of Advisory Board members whose home was beautiful and overlooked the ocean.

Friday, May 2, 2008

God's Blessing

As we were traveling to David and Nora's we encountered a rainbow. It was beautiful and I tried to get a picture as we traveled along. I took a few but they don't do it justice. It was a nice reminder from God as to how blessed we are. It was a nice moment for us.

....more, more, more

More Pictures...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

More to come...

I'll add a few more photos later. Just wanted to get a few posted at this point.

Love you all.

Home Again....sigh

I can hardly believe that we are back home again. We had such a wonderful time with family. I’ll post the other family pictures so y’all can see each other.

At Philip and Nikki’s we enjoyed playing with the kids—hide and seek and Cars on the x-box. It was good to see that Philip and Nikki are settling in well in new surroundings and greater responsibilities (frustrations and all—huh, Nikki).

At David and Nora’s we not only got to spend time getting to know Justyn and playing with Isaac and Joel but we also got to celebrate Easter. It was such a blessing to see David in this “new” setting learning “pastoral” responsibilities.

Now we’re home and there is no rest for the weary. We leave for Newport tomorrow for a whole slew of activities relating to community celebrations. So pray for us. This kind of schedule gets to be more and more difficult for us old fogies’.