A New York Adventure

A New York Adventure

"It was the best of times....it was the worst of times...."
Charles Dickens

"If we are to better the future we must disturb the present."
Catherine Booth

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

God's Tender Care

I am truly blessed.  I have been grieving for the loss of my friend, Pat. I also had the privilege and responsibility of preaching her funeral message.  Afterwards I felt like a limp rag.  Somehow I managed to keep it together and headed for the airport and home.  I became aware of just how much I was in the tender care of God while on the plane ride home. 

Let me back up a bit so that I can give you the whole picture.  When I heard of Pat's death, Don and I were attending TEC, followed by the Cadet welcome weekend meetings, followed by DPC conference.  In making arrangements for all of these conferences and meetings, I had allowed for an extra day so that I could spend time with Pat.  Then came the call, I decided to remain in LA until the funeral, it was cheaper to change the return flight rather than flying home and then returning to LA.  I went on the computer to make the flight arrangements and looked for the cheapest flights.  I checked available seats and only two were left--both middle seats--I groaned and looked at the other available flights, but they were all more expensive so I just began booking the cheap flight.  In the process it prompts you to select a seat (I'm thinking--some choice) but when I clicked the icon the only seats available were in first class.  Surprised, I chose a seat and continued the process to see if the price had changed, it hadn't.

I thought no more about this until I got on the plane (comfortably seated and waited on) working to hold my emotions in check.  When my dinner came, on the tray was a Scripture verse on a little card.  It was then that I recognized the hand of God in my arrangements home.  What a comfort and peace came to my heart.  I love and serve a God who loves me and cares for me and in times of crisis or distress no detail is too small for his loving mercy and care.

“So don't worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.” Matthew 6:31-32 (NLT)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

...Joy comes in the morning!

The Psalmist writes that "weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning" (Ps. 30:5). That is a promise that I claim.  I walked around the grounds of Crestmont last night and wept for the loss of a friend.  But in and through the sadness and tears came the knowledge and recognition of the comforting presence of the Spirit and the understanding that while I walk through this dark night of sadness, joy will come.  In fact it has never left, it is my strength and enables me to face the 'night' with courage.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How Do You Measure a Life

How do you measure a life? That's the question that has been going through my mind since I learned of the death of a dear friend. I have only known Pat for a few short years but I feel as if I have lost a friend that I have known all my life.

I met Pat when we came west to take up our appointment at Crestmont. She was the officer who volunteered to meet the new officers and make sure they got the keys to home, office, and vehicle. She did all that, and more. She was kind and helpful and easy company. I discovered in Pat someone who liked to be helpful, who liked to be needed.

Pat was also adventuresome. I had been talking to her about Maine and our family get togethers and was excited about getting together once again and invited her to join us on the spur of the moment. To my surprise she accepted the invitation. Pat joined our family (and extended family) in a small lodge on Sebago Lake. She "fit" right in and joined in the family "chaos" of games, meal preparations, chores, beach time and pudgie pies.

I often called Pat my 'good luck charm' because everytime I took her with me on a shopping trip I seemed to find just what I was looking for or better. The reality is that Pat was a blessed women. I discovered just how blessed during her time of transition into retirement. Pat, had wanted to buy a place of her own that had never been lived in. As we looked through a few places we came across one that she loved and wanted to buy. Unfortunately, her finances would not allow that at the time. But when retirement finally came she found a place that was almost an exact copy of the one she could not purchase earlier and it was also in the same neighborhood.

Pat was very much appreciated by the the foreman of the construction project at Crestmont. He had an appreciation for this woman who had dedicated her life to service in the Army. So much so that when she retired he made sure that all was well with her new home and even built her a small storage shed. God certainly blessed her during her transition into retirement.

In retirement, Pat was facing the ordeal of a recurrance cancer and was feeling somewhat sorrowful at the approaching battle. Perhaps the Lord chose to continue his providential care for her and bring her Home so that she need not face that battle but receive total healing and comfort in His eternal presence. I like to think so even though I an going to miss her like crazy.

Pat loved to collected pigs. While on vacation this summer I found a small glass pig--with wings--filled with flecks of gold in an art gallery on the Oregon coast. I bought it and intended to give it to Pat as a reminder that she is loved and that I am there for her if needed. Instead, it has become a precious reminder of my friend who is now living with the angels.

Pat, thanks for being my friend. I'm going to miss you.