I am truly blessed. I have been grieving for the loss of my friend, Pat. I also had the privilege and responsibility of preaching her funeral message. Afterwards I felt like a limp rag. Somehow I managed to keep it together and headed for the airport and home. I became aware of just how much I was in the tender care of God while on the plane ride home.
Let me back up a bit so that I can give you the whole picture. When I heard of Pat's death, Don and I were attending TEC, followed by the Cadet welcome weekend meetings, followed by DPC conference. In making arrangements for all of these conferences and meetings, I had allowed for an extra day so that I could spend time with Pat. Then came the call, I decided to remain in LA until the funeral, it was cheaper to change the return flight rather than flying home and then returning to LA. I went on the computer to make the flight arrangements and looked for the cheapest flights. I checked available seats and only two were left--both middle seats--I groaned and looked at the other available flights, but they were all more expensive so I just began booking the cheap flight. In the process it prompts you to select a seat (I'm thinking--some choice) but when I clicked the icon the only seats available were in first class. Surprised, I chose a seat and continued the process to see if the price had changed, it hadn't.
I thought no more about this until I got on the plane (comfortably seated and waited on) working to hold my emotions in check. When my dinner came, on the tray was a Scripture verse on a little card. It was then that I recognized the hand of God in my arrangements home. What a comfort and peace came to my heart. I love and serve a God who loves me and cares for me and in times of crisis or distress no detail is too small for his loving mercy and care.
“So don't worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.” Matthew 6:31-32 (NLT)
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