A New York Adventure

A New York Adventure

"It was the best of times....it was the worst of times...."
Charles Dickens

"If we are to better the future we must disturb the present."
Catherine Booth

Sunday, September 19, 2010

No matter where you go....there you are!

It is hard to believe that we have arrived in what could well be (probably is) our last appointment.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  I'm not unhappy to be here in Syracuse--I'm just not sure what I expected our last official appointment to be--is this it (is this all there is--am I, have I missed something somewhere along the way?).  Again, it is not that I am unhappy with the position or the appointment.  I guess that I am just trying to adjust to this new reality.  "It is what it is."

Anyway, I have not done so well at this blogging thing but it just seemed appropriate to at least update it to my current circumstances.  So much has happened since word came about our move back to the east coast that I don't know where to begin. And I don't know if I want to even share the half of it.

I do not want to "re-live" some of it as it is too painful, however, I do want to testify to God's tender and providential care; even in the most seemingly insignificant detail God provided for my need and/or smoothed the way. He demonstrated the truth again and again: "His love has no limits/ His grace has no measure/ His power no boundary known unto men.  For out of His infinite riches in Jesus/ He giveth and giveth and giveth again."

So...finishing well.  Sadly, it is a statistical fact that many Christian leaders do not finish their calling well.  I do not want to be counted among that number.  I want to continue doing my best serving God through the Army.  I confess that starting this new appointment feels somewhat daunting.  I much prefer to be at that point where I know my people and fellow workers.  While I like change, I also like familiarity which is lost in the transition of change. But as we unpack boxes our quarters becomes our home and familiarity begins to seep back into my life bringing comfort, contentment and reminders of past joys, blessings, tears, sorrows, and the reminder of promises that will be fulfilled in future days

As we go through these next months of learning and visioning, I love how God blesses in and through this process.  This past weekend we attended Youth Councils.  What a blessing!

So here we are.  As Don is want to say at the end of meetings..."so let it be written, so let it be done!"

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